Monday, August 31, 2009

Kiddie Carry-In

We had our first Kiddie Carry-In and it went great. We had some great food and the kids seemed to have a blast with the homemade playdough! Most importantly, I think, was us mom's getting to "download" information off of each other. We talked about everything from food recipes to homemade laundry detergent recipes. Nursing tips to tips on getting a toddler to sleep in their bed. We had a few moms that met and talked about home schooling. Some of us even learned from a mom that there is a sensor in the newer washing machines that you have to clean if you want it to run right, who would have thought? Hope everyone can come to our next one, who knows what we'll come away with next time. You know how it is, when you get us women together, we just talk and talk...and talk.

See you September 13th @ 2:00pm
New Hope Lutheran Church

*Good tips for your picky eater
* Perfect for anyone interested in making their own baby food
* A GREAT opportunity for moms to share with each other

Please bring a “Kiddie” dish along with its recipe, anything from pureed infant foods, finger foods, or any kid friendly dish.This is also an opportunity to exchange information about resources, books, products, sanity tips…anything!

Entertainment for kids will be provided.


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